A big reason I haven't posted much about my training is that there really hasn't been much training to post about. Some swimming, the occaisional run, a couple games of ultimate and no riding whatsoever.
I've been debating whether I've been relaxing and recharging or simply lazy this month. As I currently feel pretty mellow I'll go with the former.
My other debate at the moment is whether or not to do the Fall Classic. I haven't missed one since I got into running in 2004 but I'm not sure if I want to race when I'm out of shape and untrained. It's not that I feel I need to PR every race (okay, I do but I'm trying to get over that), more that there doesn't seem to be much point in signing up for a run when I can't give it a good shot. That said, I want the tights!
I'll hit the run workout this week and see how I feel before I make a final decision.
So what have I done?
- Cleaned my apartment (if you don't know me [why would you read this blog if you didn't?] you may not realize what a huge accomplishment this is)
- Read 'Anna Karenina' - a much better book than W&P but I'm ticked that Penguin gave away the climax of the story on the back cover
- After AK I motored through three books in five days, including the new Ursula LeGuin novel 'Lavinia' (I need another book, I'll take recommendations)
- Became hooked on So You Think You Can Dance Canada
- Visited the 'Wack a couple times
- Saw movies in the theatre (Paschendaele [I wanted to like it] and Hamlet 2)
- Cooked a scrumtastic gourmet meal
- Drank lots of wine, ate lots of cheese
- Spent lots of time with friends, both tri and non
Amazing what you can get up to when you aren't training 16 hours a week!
Drama korea Terbaru
8 years ago
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