Saturday, January 23, 2010

Recovery Drink

Had a fun ride with the club today. A small turnout, all women and one-to-one newbies to "old-timers" but a nice group. We got heckled/hit on by a male runner who told us we needed a guy riding with us. Marie might have got his phone number if we'd stuck around!

The major excitement was when Emma (?) had a flat and I got to show off my tire changing prowress. I like changing tires. Yes I'm weird, but I think that's been firmly established already. Turns out the issue was the tire itself (rubbing from the fender), but of course I didn't figure that out until right at the end. The Cheung brothers serendipitously appeared right when we needed someone with tools and know how and they patched the tire and rode with Emma back to somewhere she could buy a new tire.
This is my post-ride nutrition. I'm experimenting with smoothies. This was a grand idea - banana, frozen peach, frozen blueberries and milk. Then I added cocoa and it wasn't quite so good. Sad to realize that cocoa doesn't make everything better. Next time I'll try a bit of honey.

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