Sunday, April 22, 2007

What's Left?

This morning I was calculating now many more races I have left this year now that I've done Delta. At first I was thinking, "I only have a couple of races until Ironman." Then I started to do the math. Between now and August 26 I will be doing the following races:

  • Three Olympic distance tri's
  • One half Iron tri
  • One 4km swim
  • Maybe one 3km swim

Four months, six races. Nooo, I'm not addicted to this sport. Really!


Penney said...

Three Olympics... Is that Cultas Lake, the Peach, and Kelowna? I'm still on the fence about Kelowna.

Alison said...

I'm on the fence about Kelowna too but I'm pretty sure I'll be convinced to do it so I'm counting for now.

And yes, the other two are Cultus & the Peach.